Hear Stories Like Susan's!
Discover how a woman, a goat, and honey bees shared the Good News of Jesus with the Dorobo people of Kenya.
One-third of the world still hasn't heard the Good News. Hear how Global Disciples partners with local churches to reach them.

Scott's Story!
A business owner in the U.S., Scott traveled with Global Disciples to Ethiopia to see first-hand the work of discipleship training and small business development. This is his experience.
I was able to travel with a small group of businessmen to Africa. We had one situation where we were supposed to travel several hours by van to talk to some disciple-makers. And they decided the day before that it wasn’t safe for us to do that.
Instead of the disciple-makers just saying, “Well, you can’t come, too bad”, they got in their vehicle at 2 a.m. and drove for hours to meet us so they could share their stories with us.
That kind of passion, that kind of excitement, gives me goosebumps. And it’s something that I want to continue to support financially. [Global Disciples] is such a good value, if you can boil it down to that. Your money is going into the areas where it really needs to go.